Automatic Logistics Systems

Automatic logistics system for cut-tobacco bin storage warehouse

System description:

Storing the cut-tobaccos in bin as a new trend in tobacco industry is becoming popular. It can be used for storage of finished cut-tobaccos and semi finished cut-tobaccos.

Automatic logistics system for cut-tobacco bin storage warehouse

System features:

– Optimize storage space utilization.

– Expanding the blend availability for fine and module production.

– Simplifying the process flow, making the organizing of production simple, meeting the requirement of multi-module production.

– Avoiding flavor and taste loss and mix due to its storage in bins with lid, less requirement on temperature and humidity.

Automatic logistics system for cut-tobacco bin storage warehouse

The bin is made of food grade material. The inner and outer faces of bin are overlaid by film to ensure its smooth contact with cut-tobacco. The surface of bin is antistatic. The edge of box is protected by stainless steel angle. RFID can be embedded in the bin as cut-tobacco’s electronic identification.

Automatic logistics system for cut-tobacco bin storage warehouse

Automatic logistics system for cut-tobacco bin storage warehouse